Phoebe Skarlatos

Probate, Wills, Trusts and Lasting Powers of Attorney, Court of Protection

Qualified: 2019.

Joined Lawson West: 2016.

Phoebe SkarlatosLegal Director, Department Head &
Senior Associate Solicitor

Experience & Career:
Phoebe has been working in Probate, Wills and Trusts since 2016 and has experienced a huge variety of circumstances and situations in her career. Phoebe has experience in estate administration, trust creation and administration, Powers of Attorney, bespoke Will drafting and Court of Protection matters. Amongst many others, some of her more notable matters include:

  • Administering an estate after the appointed professional executor in London had been struck off from being a solicitor and managing to claim circa £200,000 back for the estate in stolen funds;

  • Administering an estate where the original Will was ripped in half and subsequently contested;

  • Acting as a professional trustee for numerous trusts;

  • Dealing with an inheritance tax return for a Russian deceased who held £1.3m worth of UK assets;

  • Advising an attorney on financial abuse by a family member.

Phoebe’s passion lies in advising families on how best to protect vulnerable family members through the Court of Protection and/or trust creation.

Phoebe is a Senior Associate Solicitor and Head of the Probate, Wills & Trusts Department. Her role includes the preparation of and advice on Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney, Court of Protection Matters, Trusts and Estate Administration (including Probate). She qualified as a solicitor in March 2019 into the Probate, Wills and Trusts Department. In 2022, Phoebe completed her masters in Healthcare Ethics and Law from the University of Manchester.

In April 2022, Phoebe was thrilled to be promoted to Head of Department. In 2023, Phoebe became an Affiliate with the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners.

In March 2025, Phoebe became a Legal Director in the firm.

Fun fact:
Phoebe is a Trustee for a local animal charity. In her spare time, she loves travelling to new countries with her favourites so far being Cambodia, Slovenia and the Maldives. She also loves coffee, her menagerie of animals and reading psychological thrillers.

Articles include: 

What is an LPA - Lasting Power of Attorney - Mar 2021

Radical overhaul of Inheritance Tax proposed - Feb 2020

"Carers Starve Man to Death" to Benefit from his Will - Jan 2020

Delays at The Probate Registry - Dec 2019