International Women’s Day – time to celebrate?

Head of Employment, Kate Lea, shares her thoughts...
Saturday 8th March marks this year's International Women’s Day. For many years I have marked the day by writing a blog or article. I have often used this to reflect on my own personal and professional achievements and to celebrate the achievements of other women. This has never been difficult. Over the years I have had the pleasure of working alongside some fantastic women and have friends and family who have continued to inspire me. However, truth be told today I sit at my desk with mixed feelings. My eternal optimism is waning as I ask myself, “What has changed?”
My desk remains littered with cases of women who have been overlooked for promotion. Women who, following their return from maternity leave have been seen as a soft target for redundancy. Women whose work ethic has been criticised because they have exercised their right to request flexible working. And women, who despite delivering the same, if not more than their male counterparts continue to be paid less.
According to the ONS in the UK 15.66 million women aged 16 and over were in employment in 2022. Sectors such as health and social work, wholesale and retail trade and education are underpinned by women. Yet, despite this the fact that we have a national day to remind ourselves of the invaluable contribution women make to society of itself shows there remains much room for improvement.
So, why write this blog? I do it on behalf of all my brave clients who having been subject to discrimination are holding their employers to account. I do it on behalf of my fantastic female colleagues with whom I have worked over the years and who continue to inspire me. I do it on behalf of other women who have made personal sacrifices and in so doing have paved the way and made it possible for me to do my bit. And mostly, I do it in the hope that my daughter (and yours) won’t have to do it when they are my age. Because it is only by raising awareness and by holding others to account will things change. Perhaps not as quickly as I would like but with so many fantastic women out there I feel change is inevitable.
And so, on reflection and with my optimism restored I would like to take this opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women, hopefully provide inspiration to others and wish all women a fantastic International Women’s Day!
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