Features Articles

The latest Court of Appeal judgment on dismissal for misconduct being 'a last resort' - misconduct should be genuine misconduct...

There are huge delays facing Employment Tribunal claims due to lack of resources. Head of Employment, Kate Lea comments...

One in 10 organisations (13%) have been involved in employment tribunals relating to neurodiversity... what is neurodiversity?

We are delighted to announce that João Madeira has qualified as a Solicitor

Our experienced Family Law team is on hand to support you in a relationship breakdown or divorce...

Did you know that two of our departments are recognised by The Legal 500...

Alistair Dobson outlines what is meant by Parental Responsibility of a child or children...

Matt outlines the implications when parents totally disagree on naming their new child, and how best to handle disputes like these...

Karinna Foster looks at how important remote working is as a lifestyle benefit for today's employees - Has it become a non-negotiable right?

Zac Connolly looks at the recent impact of Harassment claims at McDonalds and the need for all employers to take proactive measures regarding Harassment claims in the workplace...

Our conveyancing team looks at the short term impact for first-time buyers of Stamp Duty changes due 1st April 2025...

How our Family Law team can help you in 2025, and your first meeting with us...

A brief introduction to Fiona Wilson who can assist with family-related issues including those involving divorce, finances and children...

2 to 4% growth predictions for house price values says Nationwide Index - plus Stamp Duty changes take effect end of March 2025

A guide to spousal maintenance - maintenance which you may have to pay to an ex-spouse. It is not relevant to child maintenance...

How do the courts decide to split the Family Assets on divorce?

There are different ways to buy a business and several things to consider including the tax implications....

From January 2025, journalists will be able to request a “Transparency Order”....what is it and why is it important?

How will your Pension Assets be treated when you divorce from your partner?

How to navigate probate - speak to our caring and friendly team at Lawson West Solicitors...

What day of the year are you most likely to seek a divorce?

If you die without proper registration of your property ownership at HM Land Registry your executors will face issues selling your house with only "Possessory title". We describe the importance of registering title deeds correctly...

Latest Nationwide House Price Index figures released...

Being honest and open about financial disclosure is very important...

Alienation is where one parent influences their child's opinion against the other...the Family Justice Council announce their recommendations on how decisions should be formed...

Key Employment Tribunal claim deadline to be extended to six months...

What is a Bridging Loan and Why Have One? Our Commercial Law team explains....

Resolving High Net Worth Financial Disputes Without Going to Court...

Part 1 of a series of articles about Divorce and Relationship splits...How to Fund a Divorce

HMRC annual statistics show 21% more property transactions in October.. and the trend continues

If you're dreading spending time with your partner and the family this Christmas...

How to avoid and steer your way clear of a Personal Dispute this Christmas and towards a resolution for 2024...

There are 5 Steps to take to Resolve a Commercial Dispute involving your business...

Are you facing a Christmas Redundancy? Don't despair...

We share x3 common questions and x3 family solicitor answers....

The impact of high profile family law appeal case Standish v Standish and treatment of pre-marriage and inheritance assets within divorce...can they be shared?

How to protect your pet(s) in your Will and nominate who will care for them

Lawson West Solicitors hosted another fantastic quiz evening at Leicester Racecourse on Thursday 7th November in support of LOROS Hospice...

10% of Asda’s head office workforce affected by Redundancy announcement...

Landlords' obligations under The Equality Act 2010 are wider than you might think...

Pets – who gets ‘custody’ during and following a divorce?

The Court of Protection can order a Statutory Will to be made when a person lacks mental capacity. This could invalidate a previous Will...find out more

Employment Tribunal Orders - Manchester City Football Club is to pay Benjamin Mendy almost £11million in unpaid wages...

National Stress Awareness Day: A Guide for Employees and Employers on Employment Law

Some species of bamboo are highly invasive as they grow and spread rapidly causing damage....

Latest UK statistics on the number of people having made their Will and the most popular age group to do so….

We have taken a look at what can be done to promote positive mental health in the workplace. Top tips to help guide you....

Great quiz evening at Leicester Racecourse on Thursday 7th November in support of LOROS charity...Don't miss out, book your team places now !!