Litigation & Disputes For Businesses Articles

There are 5 Steps to take to Resolve a Commercial Dispute involving your business...

The Court of Protection can order a Statutory Will to be made when a person lacks mental capacity. This could invalidate a previous Will...find out more

Scenario: Bob Jarvis has a boundary dispute with an unreasonable neighbour, Lawson-West's dispute solicitor Madhvi Panchal shares her expertise of what can be done...

Earlier this month (October), Thursdays UK Limited, being the operator of the UK brand ‘TGI Fridays UK’ has gone into administration, putting thousands of jobs at risk...

Sometimes when a death occurs, there may be doubts or questions regarding the date/time of death, the place or circumstances in the place where the death occurred, how the deceased passed, or the identity of the deceased person...

In the world of insolvency, few things are as crucial as the need to obtain legal advice as soon as possible after receiving notification of insolvency...

To prevent you losing your right to forfeit the lease, it is imperative that you seek legal advice before contacting your leaseholder or carrying out any steps...

What are the obligations for Landlords and Tenants under The Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 when a commercial lease is due to expire? How does Security of Tenure work? Our Litigation & Disputes team explains...

Our Dispute Resolution Team share their thoughts...

The most awaited fixed recoverable costs rules for civil claims that were originally scheduled to come into effect in April 2023 are now due to be rolled out in October 2023...

A new small claims pilot allows the Courts to determine on paper the outcome of the claim, even where parties are not in agreement. Solicitor Madhvi Panchal explains...

For many tenants a big risk in moving premises is what your ex-landlord may claim in dilapidations costs. Madhvi Panchal explains...

3 Steps that will help you to ascertain the best way to resolve your dispute...

We look at The Insolvency Service's winding-up restrictions implemented during the pandemic and consider options after the 31st March 2022 deadline....

Disputes - We look at the fundamentals of Part 36 Offers, what they are and how they operate. If you are looking to resolve your dispute amicably without the additional costs of proceeding to Court, a Part 36 Offer may be suitable for you...

Regarding Commercial Lease debt and arrears in payments, the Government has introduced a new Code of Practice and considers a new Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) more

Sarah Hickey explains Joint Contracts Tribunal standard forms and the responsibilities between parties to deliver a building project.

Try this Amazing Staff Recipe: a great Christmas party food essential. Not to be missed!

Madhvi Panchal, Dispute Resolution solicitor outlines some of the key findings of a legal needs research survey and how satisfied participants were in using solicitors to resolve their legal disputes...

Members of staff and business contacts have grouped together today to take part in a business-to-business inspired charity football tournament... read more

Read more about the increases in Court Fees expected this autumn 2021…

The pursual of a debt is something that may occur in various situations, whether you are doing so as an individual, or on behalf of a company. Read on to find out what debt recovery is, when you can use it, and how the process works.

ODR - the new face of online dispute resolution gathers pace this week following the publication of LawtechUK’s report on the feasibility of online dispute resolution tools...

Business Interruption Insurance and Covid-19 – nearly £800million has been paid out by insurers to UK businesses, we assess the latest information...

Following government consultation, the Commercial Evictions Moratorium is extended to 25 March 2022 and Insolvency Action Moratorium newly introduced – commercial tenants are advised to pay rent if they the full article

Eviction of Tenants - the Government has made changes to domestic property eviction of tenants and relaxation of the pandemic eviction notice period

What are the new rules for evicting tenants? The Government has extended the evictions ban moratorium..

Dispute resolution and litigation specialist, Madhvi Panchal, asks if the December extension is a dead-end for landlords seeking to recoup commercial lease rental payments?

Parliament vs. the Judiciary - two recent cases and the review of 'Judicial Review'

Coronavirus Help: Quick Top 10 Tips if you are facing personal or business financial debt worries and cannot honour contracts for bank lending, mortgage payments, travel, insurance, work, family, home and more...

A recently concluded case, Bates v Post Office Ltd, has brought into question the efficacy of the contracts between sub-postmasters and the Post Office, in terms of their implied duty of good faith in ‘relational’ contracts. In a landmark case which concluded in recent days, the High Court has ruled that sub-postmasters' contracts with the Post Office were "relational contracts", in which there was an implied obligation of good faith.

Use of Mediation in Resolving Litigation
This week marks “Mediation Awareness Week”, and so we thought that we would share with you our own views about the process of mediation in the context of litigation matters.
CRAR is only available to landlords of written leases of commercial premises and will not be available where the premises are let or occupied as a residential dwelling...
In a land sale some time ago, the seller was disposing of land which was, at that time, greenbelt land so couldn’t be used for development...
The commercial rent arrears recovery (CRAR) procedure is now a year old and we’re looking at how things have changed for landlords trying to find alternatives to forfeiting their tenant’s lease...
The Court of Appeal has ruled that administrators of a business must pay the full rent for the period a property is used for the benefit of an insolvency, whether the rent is payable in advance or in arrears...
It has been hard to avoid the furore surrounding the new home for The Great British Bake Off this week after it was announced that the hit show will move from the BBC to Channel 4 after this series.