Coronavirus: 31 Dec extension to stop Landlords forfeiting leases

The Coronavirus pandemic has serious consequences for landlords in enforcing the rights under their leases.
The Coronavirus Act 2020 has taken away the ability of landlords to forfeit their leases.
The original statutory instrument extended the moratorium from June to September 2020 and now this has been extended to 31st December 2020. This of course gives greater protection to tenants to stay in their premises whilst not paying rent, however, BE AWARE, a landlord can take alternative actions to recover rent.
Some tenants are taking advantage of the moratorium period, believing that they have a right to remain in the premises without payment but this is not the case, the commercial tenant is still liable to pay the rent.
The government is asking that tenants and landlords to enter negotiations to minimise the impact when we are back to normality.
In areas of local lockdown, the courts are being more sympathetic with tenants when deciding to allow Landlords to enforce their rights.
Landlord and Tenant - the right advice
What else can landlords do to recover rent? Although the current circumstances are unprecedented, at Lawson West Solicitors we have a team of legal experts in commercial property matters who can provide support and advice on your leases and contractual obligations, document any agreements that you have reached and give you sensible and commercially-minded advice.
What sets the Lawson-West commercial property team apart is the personal and professional touch and empathetic approach provided in the provision of legal advice and services within commercial property transactions and client communications. The team understand clients' needs and works tirelessly to meet specific deadlines with an informed and proactive guiding hand.
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