Coronavirus News: Tenants - Positive Business Options Within Your Lease

Due to the lockdown and changes in the ways we work, as a Tenant you may wish to look at the term of your current lease to ensure that you are fully aware of your options when making future decisions which could affect your business.
You may be thinking of exercising a tenant break clause and should be aware of the date and notice period and also what conditions to meet the break would be required.
You may be thinking that the business may use less space due to employees working from home and may be able to sub-let part. This would allow your business to maximise savings on expenditure whilst continue to occupy the building you already use.
You may be considering taking additional premises to allow social distancing of employees.
Is there a rent review due under your lease this year?
Engaging with your Landlord early whilst understanding the rights you have under the lease is particularly important.
Here at Lawson West, we have a team of legal experts in commercial property matters who can help you review your lease and consider your options for your business.
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Contact Us
Rebecca Beswick Tel: 0116 212 1021
Beverley Heys Tel: 0116 212 1058
David Heys Tel: 0116 212 1027
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