Dyson’s Drastic Redundancies

Dyson’s Drastic Redundancies

Dyson’s Drastic Redundancies: 1,000 jobs cut may trigger potential Unfair Dismissal Claims and a wave of Settlement Agreements

In a surprising move, Dyson has announced that 1,000 jobs in the UK are currently at risk of redundancy, meaning the axe could cut its workforce by almost a third in the United Kingdom, which has sent shockwaves throughout the company and the broader employment market.

The move has understandably sparked concern, and could lead to a surge of Unfair Dismissal claims, and a potential wave of Settlement Agreements.

Under UK Employment Law, employees have the right to challenge their dismissals if they believe they were not for a genuine fair reason  or if the proper procedures have not been followed.

Generally speaking, an employee needs 2 years continuous service to be able to pursue an ‘ordinary’ Unfair Dismissal claim..

Why is the move significant?

Redundancies on this scale are often subject to challenge.  The employer must follow a fair redundancy procedure including individual consultation and collective consultation with its workforce and any recognised trade unions. They must also ensure they apply objective, non-discriminatory selection criteria.

In many cases, companies opt to provide their employees with Settlement Agreements, in which employees agree to waive their employment rights in return for a compensatory payment

I have been offered a Settlement Agreement – What are my next steps?

At Lawson West, we have a dedicated Employment Law team with extensive experience in advising on Settlement Agreements. Our fees for providing said advice and representation are generally covered by your employer, meaning you do not need to worry about facing a large bill.

I believe I may have a claim– What can I do?

To proceed with an unfair dismissal claim:

  • You must be an employee (rather than an independent contractor or self-employed),

  • Absent any discrimination or other limited exceptions, you must have been employed continuously for two years at the time of dismissal.

If you find yourself in a situation where you have faced unfair dismissal, or discrimination as part of the redundancy process we can help. Please remember there are strict time limits in Employment claims and you should take good free legal advice as soon as possible.

How can Lawson West help?

In addition to No Win No Fee, Lawson West solicitors act for our clients on a variety of other funding arrangements including Legal Expenses insurance funding. We can assess your case to decide which is the best funding option for you.

With offices in Leicester and Market Harborough our employment solicitors and lawyers can discuss your employment law claim at any of our branches. In addition, we are a national provider of expert employment law advice and welcome a free discussion with you regarding your circumstances and potential claim.

If you believe you have a situation where you require free legal advice, please contact us on telephone 0116 212 1000 or 01858 445 480, alternatively fill in the free Contact Us form and we will get in touch as soon as possible.

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