Working hard or hardly working?

Working hard or hardly working?

A large US bank, Wells Fargo Bank dismisses multiple employees within their wealth and investment department as it was learned that they had been using keyboard simulators to provide the impression that they were working, ('Mouse Jiggling'), Bloomberg reported on 13th June.

In 2022, the firm imposed a new flexible hybrid working policy, however, a pattern of activity had been identified amongst some of their employees. The individuals in question were approached and as a result multiple employees were dismissed whilst others voluntarily resigned. The firm has not commented on how the data was obtained, or whether it was in connection with remote workers.

The future of hybrid working

Following on from the pandemic many companies implemented remote working policies. This now seems to be the ‘new norm’ as many companies continue to offer office remote working and/ or hybrid working for their employees. It has been reported that employees perform better when they are able to achieve a good work/ life balance.  However, as seen with Fargo Wells bank, some employees can abuse this policy which can lead to dismissal.

It is important for companies to ensure that they have remote working policies in place that are clear and concise whilst setting out the expectations of their employees.

Employers – when was the last time that your remote working policy was reviewed? Given the new ways of working and the challenges that can be faced, is there scope for an update on your current policy? If so, please contact a member of our team at the employment department on 0116 212 1000.

Employees – do have a remote working policy that you are unsure about?  Do you need advice on changes that your employers has implement? If so, please contact our employment department on 0116 212 1000.

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