Modern Marriage by Family Law Solicitors

Modern Marriage by Family Law Solicitors

There has been a 10% increase in private law cases reported to Cafcass (the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) for applications for divorce, separation and child arrangements.

Overall, the number of couples getting divorced has dropped however this may relate to the increase of couples cohabiting rather than marrying.

Relate, the relationship counsellors, report that 87% of married couples are happy in their relationships and do not argue. For those that chose to end their relationship the main reasons cited include money problems; meeting someone else; interference from third parties such as ex-partners and parents; different ways of resolving issues; communication and privacy.

Marriage statistics reveal that if a couple separate when they are ‘young’ e.g. under the age of 40 it is likely to be the wife that decides to end the marriage and if they are an ‘older’ couple it is more likely to be the husband who instigates it. People who fall into the age bracket 40-44 are currently experiencing more divorces, followed by the 45-49 bracket. The number then drops significantly for couples aged 50 and over.

The median duration of modern marriage is 11.7 years which has increased from 11.3 in 2003.

Relationships and marriage are not always easy, if they do break down you will need to seek legal advice. The Family and Divorce team at Lawson-West are keen to ensure our processes are as straightforward as possible.

Contact Alistair, James and Sarah on 01858 445 480 / 0116 212 1000, they will listen to your concerns fully and deal with your situation with sensitivity and understanding.


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