Employees – ‘Coronavirus & Your Place of Work’ Survey Results !!

In October/November 2020, Lawson-West Solicitors conducted an online survey of business employees to gain an understanding of personal views held about the pandemic’s impact at their place of work - with particular emphasis on their employer’s ability to cope with the pandemic, employment issues, health and safety, redundancies and furlough.
The findings were enlightening showing that employees are still very much concerned about travelling to and from work, attending places of work and feeling vulnerable despite most commending their employers covid safe efforts. This is something that our team of experts had anticipated as there has been a rise in health and safety, whistle blowing complaints leading to claims of unfair, constructive and automatic unfair dismissal.
Not surprisingly the results showed many had been asked by their employers to reduce their hours or had been faced with redundancy or the threat of redundancy. Sadly, restructures and redundancies are to be expected at this troubled time.
The results show that nearly 26% of businesses had made or considered making redundancies, and nearly half of respondents (47.4%) had been furloughed at some point.
Even so, an amazing three-quarters (74%) of employees were complimentary about their employer’s actions overall during the pandemic.