The Equality Act - How Does it Affect Landlords?

Implications for Landlords of The Equality Act 2010
The Equality Act 2010 sets out the protected characteristics that must be considered in everyday life, such as education, employment and the provision of services. This is no different for landlords or the managing agents of leased properties who are under an obligation to treat their tenants equally and fairly.
Below are a just a few examples of how The Equality Act relates to Landlords:
Reasonable Adjustments
Landlords should be prepared to make reasonable adjustments to a property or communal areas, to assist anyone with a disability, so that there is an equal offering of accommodation for all. This could include, for example, having door widths capable of a wheelchair user being able to access the building and internal parts of the property.
Fair and Non Discriminatory
The application process needs to be fair and not discriminatory, and where a prospective tenant may need help in completing a tenancy application, a landlord/housing manager should assist.
Protected Characteristics
A landlord must not discriminate against a tenant who has one of the protected characteristics (Age, Race, sexual orientation, sex, gender reassignment, religious belief, disability or pregnancy).
Immigration Status
Some landlords must check the eligibility of tenants to check the immigration status of tenants (Immigration Act 2014), a landlord must not discriminate by only checking the immigration status of tenants, based on their colour or ethnicity.
When a tenant is in occupation, a landlord must not discriminate by, for example, seeking to evict a person for lack of cleanliness within the property, if the tenant’s disability makes it difficult for them to keep the property in the state expected by the landlord, as compared to other tenants. In circumstances such as this, the landlord must provide assistance to that tenant in keeping the property clean or making reasonable adjustments to the property to assist.
Judith Owen, Head of Litigation & Disputes, Solicitor
Lawson West Solicitors, Leicester
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