Contested Probate – don’t assume your loved ones are covered.

When the former dance partner of a 70 year old Berkshire woman passed away, she expected to receive a large pay out from his Will as they had lived together as ‘man and wife’ for over seven years.
His Will had not been updated for over 20 years having been written many years prior to the couple even meeting. She was dismayed to discover he had left everything to his two daughters and has now launched a bid in Court to receive £325,000 of his fortune.
The basis for this legal claim is being able to prove that she was financially dependent on her partner and that they were in a long-term and committed relationship.
His daughters are appalled by her actions and have said that she wasn’t especially important to their father; that he had a lot of ‘girlfriends’ that he spent time with. They are united in feeling she is not entitled to any of the money.
According to the lady, he promised that he would provide for her within the Will. They shared a house that he owned; which she paid for the upkeep of and for renovations on. She also cared for him when he became ill with cancer.
She has had to move out of the house and claims she now hasn’t got anywhere to live or enough money to live on.
The experts in Lawson-West’s Wills and (in this case contested) Probate department can help you to ensure that your loved ones are fully protected and provided for when you are no longer around.
If required, they can also help you make a claim if you feel you’ve been left out of a Will and find yourself in a similar situation.
Appointments are available at our Market Harborough, Leicester and Wigston offices or at home / in hospital if required. Please contact us on 01858 445 480 / 0116 212 1000 or 0116 212 1080 for more information.
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