Lawson-West’s Will Aid Success

During November 2017, Lawson-West Solicitors participated in Will Aid – the charity Will writing scheme.
Why write a Will?
Writing a Will is important for a number of reasons including the assurance that your estate will be dealt with as you wish when you are no longer around, that the people you want to be beneficiaries have the correct legal rights and additionally for inheritance tax reasons.
We know that getting around to writing a Will may not be everyone’s top priority which is another reason we chose to take part in Will Aid - as a way of supporting increased awareness of the importance of making a Will, which is also a surprisingly easy process.
And, by opening up our Wigston branch from 10am – 1pm on the 4th Saturday of every month, we are accessible to reach people who cannot attend appointments during the working week.
What is Will Aid in more detail?
Solicitors who take part in Will Aid waive their usual fee and instead accept donations from clients who make their Wills during the event (which usually last for one month). The 2017 campaign was the first time Lawson-West had been involved.
Head of our Wills and Probate department, Vicky Jones comments:
“We were keen to get involved with Will Aid as a way of giving something back to the local community. As we have three offices based in Leicester (on the Meridian Business Park), Wigston and Market Harborough, we see ourselves as part of these communities. By participating we have also helped to spread the word about all of the benefits that come with having a valid Will.
This scheme is also about dissuading people from being temped to write homemade Wills and to seek professional and governed legal advice.
We were recently contacted by Will Aid to inform us know that we managed to raise a staggering £6,170. All donations are distributed between 9 charities that Will Aid support. The charities are Actionaid, Age UK, the British Red Cross, Christian Aid, the NSPCC, Save the Children, SCIAF, Sightsavers and Trociare.
We are so pleased with this figure and wish to thank all of the clients who instructed Lawson-West Solicitors during the Will Aid Campaign, we already plan to take part again this year.”
Our expert Wills team deal with all areas of planning, protection and probate and are able to meet with you at any of our three offices. Home and hospital visits are also available.
Please contact the team in Leicester on 0116 212 1000 and Market Harborough on 01858 445 480.
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