Out of Pocket Daughter Seeks £300,000 Inheritance

The daughter of a successful London businessman recently went to court to claim £300,000 of his estate after she was left out of his will.
She was not aware that he had written her out of his will until the will was read after he passed away unexpectedly in 2013.
She claims that they had made a verbal agreement where he promised that one day all of his assets would be hers.
The Judge has now told her that it is time to get a job because she is fit and well. She has actively chosen not to work as a ‘lifestyle choice’ after having her children.
She feels the money is a ‘reasonable provision’ of what she is owed however she is also now liable for legal costs of around £130,000 accumulated whilst fighting the case.
The Judge further added that she has fabricated the extent of her relationship with her father and that morally she is not entitled to any of his money.
The businessman’s wealth was instead left to his 2nd wife, his daughters’ step-mother, to ensure she has a comfortable retirement.
Andrea Jones a member of the Wills and Probate department comments: “If you wish to exclude someone close to you as outlined in this story or if you choose to make a potentially controversial legacy to close relatives or friends it is advisable to seek legal advice.
Your will contains details of what you leave to your family when you are no longer here. It is important to ensure that your assets are divided up exactly as you wish. Please contact a member of my team on 01858 445 480 to discuss what is involved in making your Will. Appointments are available at our Wigston, Market Harborough and Leicester offices plus we are happy to make home visits, hospital and care-home visits if this is more suitable.”
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