Refunds for Lasting Power of Attorney Registrations

A new Government scheme is managing partial refunds to people who were overcharged when paying the registration fee/s for Lasting Power of Attorneys (LPAs) between 1/4/2013 and 31/3/2017.
The amount of people this is applicable to may run into the millions so it’s worth checking to see if you can claim.
Registration fees are paid to the Office of the Public Guardian. Since 2013 the operational costs to run the Office have lessened but the £110 application cost remained the same. The refund due is the difference between what was charged and what should have been charged plus interest.
If you registered property and health and welfare LPAs you are eligible to claim refunds for both.
The amount of refund you can claim depends on how much you paid in registration fees. In order to claim a refund you must be the person who made the LPA (the donor) or a person appointed to act on the donors behalf, however the refund will be paid to the donor.
Refunds can be claimed online via: or via the telephone: 0300 456 0300.
When claiming your refund ensure you have the donor’s name, address and date of birth, their bank account and sort code details and the name of one of the attorneys to hand as you will be asked for this information in order to proceed.
Please follow the link for more information about LPAs and how the Lawson-West team can help you to prepare yours:
If you would like to discuss your options with a member of our expert team they are available to meet you at any of our three offices in Leicester, Wigston and Market Harborough. You can contact them on 0116 212 1000, 0116 212 1080 or 01858 445 480. Home and hospital visits are also available.
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