What would happen if you were to pass away during the process of making a Will.

The process of making a Will does not have to be as complicated as you may think. Don’t think of it as morbid instead think about it as another insurance policy or as making provision for the future.
The Lawson-West Wills team are experts in planning, protection and probate. You are guaranteed to receive a warm welcome when you visit our offices which are located in the town centres of Wigston and Market Harborough and conveniently on Leicester’s Meridian Business Park.
The team will discuss all of your options with you; because your Will is personal to you we know it’s important that it is written in a way that reflects this.
Unless you have made a Will that has been signed by yourself, and two witnesses (who are usually members of your solicitors team) it is not valid. Even if it has been written, until it has been signed in the correct way it is not legal and therefore unfortunately ends up being useless.
In a case such as this, the ‘Rules of Intestacy’ would apply resulting in your estate being divided up and the possibly of those you wish to befit losing out.
Head of the Lawson-West Wills department, Vicky Jones, comments: “Making a Will is the type of thing people put off, or prolong as long as possible but my main message is not to leave it too late.
If the worst were to happen think about those left behind who would have to deal with a possibly complicated probate which could have easily been avoided.
We offer home appointments and can visit you in hospital if you need us to. Our aim is to make the process as simple as possible in order that you have the peace of mind that everything is in order for when you are no longer around to deal with such matters.
Contact myself or a member of my team on 0116 212 1000 / 01858 445 480.”
Photo on <a href="https://visualhunt.com/re/3f3aa9">Visual Hunt</a>
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