Beware! - Is 6th January a Divorce Day ?

The first Monday of any New Year is often recognised as “Divorce Day”, when couples are most likely to file for divorce or separation following an emotionally-difficult time spent with their spouse and family over the Christmas and New Year period. For 2025, that first Monday date is 6th January 2025.
This is the day when there is an increase in the enquiries which we receive and new clients whom we meet and advise.
The Family Department at Lawson West Solicitors, has a dedicated team of fully qualified solicitors who are able to advise clients on all aspects of the family breakdown, divorce, resolution of finances on divorce and children matters.
We will always act in a conciliatory manner. Years of experience tells us that when solicitors are able to be conciliatory and pragmatic, then the sooner matters can be resolved – saving clients much heartache and expense. It is never our aim to make a difficult time, worse.
We will not, however, settle matters at any cost.
If your matter proceeds to court, then we will be robust. You will have clear guidance and assistance. You will be in a safe pair of hands.
Fiona Wilson, Solicitor, Head of Family Law Team
Lawson West Solicitors, Leicester
Fiona Wilson Head of the Family Department comments,
“Our aim is always to ensure that our clients have the best advise available, to make sure that clients know their options and they are confident and comfortable throughout their matter”.
Please call us on 0116 212 1000, or complete our free Contact Us form and we will get in touch as soon as possible.
Our offices will not be open during the week between Christmas and New Year. However, emails will be periodically checked, please send an email and one of solicitors will contact you during that time.
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