Emotional Support for Children During Parental Separation or Divorce

The emotional journey of divorce or separation
At Lawson-West Solicitors, we understand what an incredibly challenging position parents find themselves in when they are going through a divorce or separation, especially when children are involved.
Whilst parents are experiencing their own emotions and practicalities of their relationship breakdown, they must also manage and be alive to their children`s feelings about the sudden change in circumstances and the new way of life. |
Divorce impact and support for children
Often there are heightened emotions involved and this makes the situation more challenging. Children are very astute in picking up cues from their parents, which can often then make the child feel confused or act out of character. Some children may blame themselves for the breakdown of their parents’ relationship. It is of the utmost importance to try to provide as much support and reassurance to the children as possible.
The NSPCC is one of many organisations that look to help and guide separating or divorcing parents. They suggest how best to address the children`s needs during such time. They offer practical advice to help deal with the emotions faced and recommend:-
“To support children during a separation and help them with their worries, you should:
remind them that they're loved by both parents
be honest when talking about it but keep in mind the child's age and understanding
avoid blame and don't share any negative feelings the adults have about each other
keep up routines such as going to school and specific meal times
let them know they can talk about their feelings with you – explain that it's okay to be sad, confused or angry
listen more than you speak – answering questions will help them to open up.”
Source : Helping Your Child Cope with Your Divorce or Separation | NSPCC
Your Legal Rights and Divorce or Separation
When going through such a difficult time, it is also important to obtain clear practical advice in respect of your legal rights and how these could work in sensible, co-parenting and positive terms for your family. The dedicated Family Department at Lawson-West Solicitors has a highly experienced, compassionate and caring team of 5 qualified solicitors who are all members of Resolution, and who will be able to guide you through such circumstances; giving you information and advice as to your options.
To book your initial appointment please call our main office number on 0116 212 1000 today and set your mind at ease that you will be in safe hands and guided through one of the toughest challenges families have to deal with.
Helpful links
Childline : 0800 1111
NSPCC : Helping Your Child Cope with Your Divorce or Separation | NSPCC
Families Need Fathers – helpline 0300 0300 363 : Families Need Fathers - Home (fnf.org.uk)
Gingerbread : help for single parents – 0808 802 0925 Home | Gingerbread
Relate : counselling services Home | Relate
Family Mediation Council : Home - Family Mediation Council
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