Family Law: Threats in a Toxic Separation

These are often phrases which clients hear from their spouses in a troubled relationship:
“Unless you give me the house, you are not seeing the kids.”
“The pension is mine, why do you think you should have any of it?”
“I have put everything in my mum’s name.”
“The house is mine; you need to get out.”
“I’m not signing the divorce papers.”
“I’m selling the house and you will not know anything about it”
I understand, that when a couple separate there is bound to be frustration and a perhaps a little animosity between them. After all, separation is not only a stressful time, but undoubtedly brings around a fear of the unknown - Where are you going to live? Will you be financially ok? Will things be fair? Will you see the children as much as you want to?
However, what if your partner becomes toxic in the way that they handle the separation, making and even carrying out certain threats?
Whilst they are concerning and new to you, both the court and I will have heard them before and had to deal with those that have been acted upon. The court has measures in place which:
Can progress the divorce when the spouse will not sign the petition.
Can order interim contact when a parent is not letting the children see you.
Can make orders that protect the family finances.
Can make emergency maintenance orders.
Can make emergency legal funding orders.
It is important to identify which are idle threats, perhaps said in the heat of the moment and what are real threats.
Keep a written diary of these threats, where, when and why they were made.
What was the context of them?
If you believe that any threats are going to be carried out, please contact me as a matter of urgency.
Please contact Fiona Wilson on: 0116 212 1000
"I will always deal with matters in an amicable and cost effective way. Sometimes, it just takes a letter from me to your spouse to put things back on track. But, if this proves fruitless then I can advise you and refer the matter onto court, when necessary."
"I am an Accredited Resolution specialist. I will always try to deal with matters constructively and will strive to negotiate a settlement, recognising that this is not only cost effective, but also gives many clients’ satisfaction that a favourable result has been achieved in which their wishes and wants have been given consideration. Of course, there are some cases which have to be referred to the court.
I have been assessed as being highly competent by Resolution and this can be relied upon by the public, members, the judiciary and the Legal Aid Agency. It demonstrates that I have an outstanding level of skills and expertise in family law matters and this is comforting to know an experienced person is supporting you through your relationship separation or divorce."
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