Need Advice About Splitting-Up?

Need Advice About Splitting-Up?


If you are going through a separation, there will be a lot of questions which you want answering. These questions will range from care of the children, finances, the process of divorce, can you separate without going through the court procedure, what will this cost?

All of these questions and many more, will be whirling around and at the same time you will be looking after the children, yourself and your emotions.

Not for one minute would I or any other solicitor in the Lawson West Family Department, suggest or believe that this is an easy step for you, our client, to take.  

Whether you have brought the relationship to an end, or, have had a partner bring the relationship to an end, you want to know, early on, what the vision of the future looks like. Can the relationship be saved?  Do you want it to be saved?  Do they?

Whilst at a first meeting, we may not have the specific answers for you, but we can give you “first aid” advice, discuss your fears, give you pointers, look at steps you may wish to take and the likely outcomes of different paths to take.

We can offer you our experience of the breaking-up process and what to expect and we can advise on:

  • Business assets
    Where business assets are jointly held or where you have a claim over the other person's business interests

  • Shares and savings
    Where you have jointly-held shares or savings

  • The family home
    When and how to sell the family home or jointly-owned property, or second property. We can advise on how to deal with unequal shares in property assets and tax implications.

  • Pensions
    Whether you will be entitled to any of your partner's pension savings, and what happens if the pension scheme is connected to a business.

  • Lump sum payments
    How these work. Who receives what.

  • Maintenance
    Paying for a child or spouse, now, in the future, and what will happen long term to payments.

  • Children
    How and where they will live, impact and increasing emotional stability.

  • Costs
    What the costs of splitting-up will likely be, so you can plan ahead and make sensible decisions.

As an Accredited Member of Resolution, I have undertaken extra exams which are a a mark of excellence in practice, recognised by the public, fellow professionals and the judiciary. I will always be conciliatory in discussions and negotiations, but certainly I am robust and forthright, when needed.

All solicitors in the Family Department are approachable and knowledgeable. We are all here to help and assist you Contact Us.



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