! New Guidance on Parental Alienation

New Guidance on Parental Alienation
The Family Justice Council is an advisory body to the Family Court system. The Council make recommendations to the Judges sitting in family cases.
Today (11th December 2024), the Council has given a recommendation on how to deal with Parental Alienation. Parental Alienation is when one parent, usually the parent with whom the children reside, acts in a manner and speaks in a manner, which turns the children against the other parent.
More often than not, there are allegations of parental alienation in court proceedings. The court may order a psychologist to report on the family, which may carry a lot of weight and have a lifelong impact on the children and the family.
The Family Justice Council has recommended that it is “inappropriate” for an expert to determine whether there has been parental alienation, and it is for the court to make that decision, having heard all the relevant evidence.
Fiona Wilson, Head of Family law
Lawson West Solicitors, Leicester
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