Welcome to our Family Law Department
Welcome to our Family Department
Trying to navigate a Separation is difficult.
There are various Acts of Parliament and a plethora of case law, which deals with divorce, finances and children matters.
The family department at Lawson West Solicitors has 3 (soon to be 4) qualified solicitors. You will only receive advice and assistance from a qualified solicitor, each of whom has a wealth of experience in:
Judicial Separation
Children matters, including where a child should live, what time they should spend with the other parent, should they be allowed to move from the local area – perhaps even to another country, what school should the children go to, should the child be allowed to be known by another name, what medical interventions should be allowed
Financial matters, including what should happen to the house, pensions, savings, maintenance, shares, family run businesses. That agreement has to be recorded into a binding court order
Representation at court in both children and financial matters.
We are here to support and help you navigate these tricky times. We are all empathetic and we will give you the space that you need to consider the advice and options which we will provide you with.
Though, if your matter requires urgent attention we will explain why and act accordingly.
We offer a no obligation fixed-fee appointment, when we can discuss all the issues which you are facing and offer solutions and options. There is no commitment to appoint us, and it could give you peace of mind as to the future steps you should be considering in your relationship at this time. Contact Fiona Wilson on 0161 212 1000.