What about Care? Protect yourself with Lasting Powers of Attorney.

Recent surveys have discovered four out of five local authorities do not provide sufficient care for the older generations in their community, with the shortage affecting some of the most vulnerable in society.
The Family and Childcare Trust report that 64 million people aged 65 and over are living in areas without appropriate levels of care, despite the growing demand for it, as this aging generation are living longer than ever. It has been identified that lack of resources due to budgets being slashed and difficulties recruiting into the care sector are some of the causes.
What complicates the matter further is the need for specialist support: only a third of local authorities are able to facilitate the care and support needed for people with dementia, a condition which is predicted to affect one million people in the UK by 2025.
Phoebe Tranter, Paralegal for the Wills and Probate department, comments “When care has to be considered for a loved one, it can be made difficult by the lack of specialist facilities or because of the cost. Colleagues and I have recently undertook training to become ‘Dementia Friends’, in order to better understand our clients needs when planning for later life. This is when Lasting Powers of Attorney become most important. The legal documents allow you to appoint one or more people to help make decisions on your behalf, whether it be for your finances or your health. For example, if you have an accident or illness, and are unable to make your own decisions, your attorneys can make those decisions on your behalf, giving you more control over who oversees your care.”
To make your Lasting Power of Attorney, or for more advice, call the Wills and Probate team on 01858 445 480, and speak to one of our team today.
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