What is an LPA? Lasting Power of Attorney

Many of our LPA clients are in their 20s, 30s and 40s.
LPAs - or Lasting Powers of Attorney - can be essential tools if you have just started a family, have a loved one with a health issue, or if you simply wish to plan ahead in the knowledge that your affairs are taken care of.
If you want to find out more about Lasting Powers of Attorney before you speak to one of our solicitors, please find below our helpful document about 'Making an LPA', the different types and how to make one. It's a lot easier than you think and we can still help people to make LPAs during the Coronavirus Lockdown and restrictions by following our Covid secure practices.
We make it really straightforward for you and can answers any questions you might have.
Whilst it is recommended that everyone consider making LPAs, here are a few scenarios which may trigger the thought:
You are attending hospital for an operation
You have someone to care for, e.g. a new child
You're in the military
You've had a diagnosis of ill-health, a condition that might last some time, or even a degenerative illness or disease, examples include but not limited to: cancer, epilepsy, Covid-19, dementia, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, a functional neurological disorder, brain injury, heart problems, stroke
A child in the family has long-term special needs
You or someone in your family has lost mental capacity, or has diminishing mental capacity
You work in an industry with a high risk of injury e.g. police, farming
You live alone and you're worried about your own future health or mental capacity
You're a couple with an established family and you want to put your affairs in order should something happen to either of you.
To find out more about LPAs, please contact your existing solicitor at Lawson-West, or experienced and friendly Phoebe Tranter ptranter@lawson-west.co.uk. You can find out more about Phoebe here.
Review our helpful LPA brochure here
Helpful Advice:
Who Needs a Lasting Power of Attorney - Government website
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