Court Ordered Trustee Appointment

Trusts are becoming a popular method of estate planning, whether to reduce potential inheritance tax or protect assets for the next generation. 

Unfortunately many trusts do not provide for what should happen if the person who set it up (the Settlor) or the person managing the trust (the Trustee) loses capacity. Not only do we need to ensure they are removed from the trust, but we have to appoint new Trustees to take over. 

Here at Lawson West we have dealt with a variety of trusts, from Will trusts to those set up in lifetime. We have also successfully acted in removing professional Trustees, including those from the now-closed McClures Solicitors, and appointing trusted family members to act in the trust’s best interests. 

Trusts are a complicated area and when coupled with capacity issues, it is vital that you get specialist advice from experts in both areas. 

At Lawson West, our Court of Protection team includes solicitors that also have knowledge and experience of dealing with capacity issues surrounding trusts, Wills and probate.  

If you need assistance with a trust and your loved one is losing or has lost capacity, please contact us on 0116 212 1000 and ask to speak to the Court of Protection team.