Features Articles

We are more than delighted to share our news from LOROS that Lawson-West has just passed its Lifetime Giving Target of £15,000...

As Fiona Wilson celebrates her second anniversary of being the Head of the Family Department at Lawson-West Solicitors, we thought we would point the spotlight on her and find out what makes Fiona tick.

If you would like to find out more about Lawson-West Solicitors, you can view our online digital brochure here....

Our expert Family Law Solicitors are here to help...

Well done to Beverley Heys, Senior Associate & Team Manager at Lawson-West, who has been nominated for 'Legal Executive Of The Year'!

Associate Solicitor, Sophie Forsyth, explains the dilemma of people who set up McClure 'family protection trusts', only to find them no longer fit for purpose...

We look at the possible reasons behind the increase in the number of Neurodiversity Discrimination claims...

Associate Solicitor Sophie Forsyth looks at whether 'Next of Kin' is a legal concept with any authority...

What are the obligations for Landlords and Tenants under The Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 when a commercial lease is due to expire? How does Security of Tenure work? Our Litigation & Disputes team explains...

'The Last Straw' at work could lead to dismissal or your resignation. Director Ashley Hunt looks at the timing of resignation and what constitutes Constructive Dismissal...

Book now for the Comedy Festival Curry Club special event...

Our aim is to recognise the hard work and commitment shown by our long-standing colleagues. We believe their dedication to the firm should be celebrated and rewarded!

Lawson-West Solicitors is delighted to announce Nathan Mee has qualified as a Solicitor...

We share the latest thinking concerning Japanese Knotweed and how to complete the sellers property information form...

We're offering a £199 +VAT discounted initial virtual meeting with a dispute resolution expert if booked by the end of January - call us and quote JAN2024

Our aim is to recognise the hard work, commitment and achievements of our colleagues and we feel this is something to be celebrated!

A broken relationship that will not mend - we look at the next steps to think about when you've decided to move away from your relationship

In this article we look at the instances where you can Contest a Will...

We outline the law for consumer goods - the Consumer's Rights for buying in shops and buying online. What happens when deliveries are late or broken, or never turn up? What is the law if you change your mind?

Bollywood comes to Leicester's Property Face2Face networking group this Christmas...book your place

Good Luck to everyone attending 'The Business Quiz' on Wednesday 8th November - we are supporting LOROS in this charity quiz evening..

Male Menopause in the Workplace – Employee Rights and Employer Obligations

Head of our Probate, Wills and Trusts team, Phoebe Skarlatos, looks at TikTok misinformation which can alter facts about the law...
How does Probate work? We provide a helpful guide and video to help the recently bereaved and others to learn a bit more about Probate...

This article looks at LPAs, what they are for and the authority they give...find out more

Senior Commercial Property Solicitor, Russell Dowling, discusses Overage Provisions - or claw-back clauses - and how to navigate them effectively...

This week, the Government made an announcement about the law governing equal pay in the UK...

Are you a Landowner with a Telecommunications Code Operator as a Tenant?

Does your name truly represent you or your changed circumstances? Changing your name legally requires a Deed Poll. What is a Deed Poll and how do you create one?

There is a difficult emotional journey for children of families where parents are splitting-up, we set out the main areas and where to find supportive advice and assistance...

We ask - Are gender fluid and non-binary workers discriminated against because the Equality Act 2010 is out of date?

Our legal experts and professionals are really good at their jobs, not only are they experienced, friendly and caring, they’re amazingly qualified...

Employment Law: What is the law surrounding protected characteristics for religion or belief? What is a Philosophical Belief?

The Government has responded to the 2019 consultation on options of reforming family related leave and pay. The response sets out new reforms...

Our employment team looks at privacy, defamation and misconduct, what legal steps are likely for both employer and employee...

Should employers control alcohol consumption at staff Christmas parties and social gatherings? 1 in 3 workers witness party harassment or inappropriate behaviour CMI study finds...

Our Probate and Wills team looks at the US argument over which one of Aretha Franklin's Wills is valid...

We're very proud to share a selection of our recent client reviews!

Latest news and statistics on house prices and mortgage rates - Will house prices fall? Are mortgage rates increasing? Find the latest thinking here...

More about our Family Law team...

Head of Family Law at Lawson-West Solicitors, Fiona Wilson, encourages couples to incorporate the financial agreement into their divorce court order and there are important reasons why....

High Value Settlement Agreements for Directors, Executives and Employees

The Carers Leave Act 2023 has received Royal Assent, this means employers are duty bound to provide workplace Unpaid Leave to carers....

At our exclusive networking lunch today, we heard the latest news about the development of Leicester City Centre..

Separations can be fraught experiences with threats and demands flying from both parties to damage or hurt the other...What's your best course of action?

In the news - conservative MPs and others are putting pressure on Rishi Sunak to scrap Inheritance Tax (IHT). We look at IHT basics, alternatives to IHT and when IHT is payable...

Associate Solicitor in our Wills, Trusts and Probate team, Sophie Forsyth, discusses whether discretionary trusts are a good idea for care home expenses...

Changes afoot with Alternative Dispute Resolution - SRA encouraging out-of-court resolution to reduce two million civil proceedings that contribute to court delays...