Blog Articles

Tis' the season for work Christmas Parties to begin! An important article for Employers...

We have taken a look at what can be done to promote positive mental health in the workplace. Top tips to help guide you....

LPAs can be complicated to complete, it is always advisable to seek legal advice from a qualified Solicitor to ensure they are completed correctly and legally...

In the UK, funeral costs can be claimed from the deceased’s estate, provided they are deemed reasonable expenses...

Probate Delays, Unexpected Inheritance Claims & DIY Wills...

On 10th October 2024, the highly anticipated Employment Rights Bill was published by the government, outlining several significant reforms to be made to employment law, which are set to completely transform the current legal landscape.

We understand that the idea of applying for a Deputyship order to be able to access your child’s Trust Fund can be daunting...

The changes to how charities hold and deal with land introduced by the Charities Act 2022 are now in effect. Charities must comply with certain legal requirements before they dispose charity land.

The workplace can be rife with these due to differing opinions and it can be a tricky celebration to negotiate with employees. Halloween divides people’s opinions, for some it is an important festival to be celebrated whilst others find it offensive.

Earlier this month (October), Thursdays UK Limited, being the operator of the UK brand ‘TGI Fridays UK’ has gone into administration, putting thousands of jobs at risk...

In short, the answer is yes, but the process is not straightforward and there are many factors which can change this answer...

One aspect that has become increasingly relevant in recent years is the role of social media in child arrangements. It’s fascinating - and sometimes a bit alarming - to see how online behaviour can influence legal decisions and family dynamics...

Don’t tolerate foul or abusive language in the workplace...

When it comes to divorce, pensions often take centre stage as one of the most significant and intricate assets to divide—especially for long-married couples...

Head of Probate, Wills and Trusts, Phoebe Skarlatos, comments on Martin’s recent blog about his 3 D’s – death, dementia and divorce...

Sometimes when a death occurs, there may be doubts or questions regarding the date/time of death, the place or circumstances in the place where the death occurred, how the deceased passed, or the identity of the deceased person...

Cohabitation Law in England and Wales: Molly Mae and Tommy met on Love Island and have gone on to share a home and start a family. However, as with millions of couples across England and Wales, they are not legally married...

In the UK, the number of transgender adults is estimated to range from approximately 200,000 to 300,000 individuals, with around 24% to 49% of them thought to be parents...

Last week, administrators confirmed that construction giant ISG had ceased trading with the immediate closure of all its sites and the loss of 2400 jobs...

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is an important legal safeguard that ensures your affairs are managed according to your wishes if you become unable to make decisions due to illness, accident or diminished mental capacity...

Lawson West has extensive experience dealing with trusts set up by McClure Solicitors. If you, a family member, or a friend has a trust with McClure Solicitors, we can assist you...

Creating a homemade Will is tempting because it is generally thought to be simple and would save on costs. However, there are many significant dangers associated with this. These are some key reasons why not to...

Head of Employment Law, Kate Lea, explains...

Who is responsible? What steps should be taken to ascertain whether there are any debts or liabilities? When to pay...

It is completely natural for a couple with children to want to pass on as much of their wealth as possible to the next generation on the death of the survivor...

Receiving inheritance can greatly impact a person’s ability to receive means-tested benefits...

If you are planning on buying or selling a business, or currently in negotiations to do so, then it is crucial for you to take legal advice as soon as possible...

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is the name given to the many number of ways of potentially resolving a dispute as opposed to taking matters to Court...

As the UK prepares for the first budget of the new Labour Government commercial property owners and investors are on high alert...

It's crucial for landowners submitting planning applications or developers acquiring land to seek advice early to fully understand BNG requirements...

Management buy-outs (MBOs) and management buy-ins (MBIs) are complex transactions that require expert legal guidance. Lawson West Solicitors is here to ensure your deal progresses smoothly and efficiently.

Making a Will can be a bit daunting, but it is the best way to ensure that your loved ones are taken care of in accordance with your wishes. But what happens if your loved ones are under 18. Can you still leave them a gift?

Do you actually need a pre or post-nup agreement? Fiona Wilson sets out what family courts look for in relationship agreements....

Legal Rights of Cohabiting Couples & Financial Support for Children

Head of Employment Law, Kate Lea, explains...

When it comes to estate planning there are various types of Will available, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. One type of Will, which is rarely made and often leads to disagreement, is the mutual Will...

An Executor is a person who is named in a Will to deal with the estate of someone who has died. They have a legal duty to carry out the instructions of the Will in accordance with the Law...

1,000 jobs cut may trigger potential Unfair Dismissal Claims and a wave of Settlement Agreements

A 58 year-old was successful in the Employment Tribunal on a case of Age Discrimination, with his employer being ordered to pay a shocking £3.2 million award!

"If our new Prime Minster is true to his word then employer lawyers need to brace ourselves as we are in for one hell of a ride!" Head of Employment Law, Kate Lea, explains...

Large US bank dismisses employees for ‘Mouse Jiggling’ ...

The case of Clifford -v- IBM United Kingdom Ltd...

The nation is at fever pitch with the Euros 2024 football. Up and down the country flags are appearing and people are preparing for a month full of football until mid-July.

You may have heard about trusts and how they can stop you from paying inheritance tax, protect you from paying care fees and avoid the need for Probate all in one set up, but are they really this magical solution?

This year’s theme is “Do you see me?” It aims to challenge the barriers faced by people with learning disabilities and to celebrate the valuable contribution they make to society and the workplace...

For various reasons, acting as Executor may not be something you feel comfortable undertaking, but what are your options?

Solicitor Nathan Mee took part in the Sky Dive on 24th May for Lamp Charity as part of the Lamp 5k challenge...